providing onsite wellness services for your employee-partners reduces workplace stress, boosts immunity and increases productivity.

percussive massage therapy

This onsite service is quick to implement for your employee-partners and has immediate and lasting benefits. Through the combination of specific hands-on bodywork integrated with the application of the most advanced percussive massage tool in the industry, the Hypervolt+ built by Hyperice™, our licensed therapists provide a unique and powerful client experience that helps relax, energize and rejuvenate your workforce. We began integrating percussion massage therapy to our protocol in 2017, long before our competitors.

  • Provides myofascial release

  • Activates Central Nervous system

  • Increases circulation

  • Improves muscle recovery

  • Painless

  • Instant relief and gratification

wellness coaching


Having completed the coaching internship and academic portion of the Mayo Clinic Wellness Coach Training program in Q3 2019, Dr. Edward Cunningham, D.C., the Founder of Attivo Wellness, is passionate about bringing this expanding area of healthcare to the corporate setting; with the goal of transforming people’s lives by facilitating optimal work-life/exercise balance. From the National Board for Health & Wellness Coaching: “We envision that competent health and wellness coaching will act as a powerful force to facilitate healthy lifestyle change and improved quality of life. We believe as people use coaching to build healthier habits, these positive changes will become synergistic and spread, causing many aspects of our world to transform.” Attivo works exclusively with coaches who are board certified. These are coaches whom have successfully passed the NBHWC wellness coach certification exam, administered by the NBME, in order to provide a consistently high-level standard of care for our clients.

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workplace yoga

Our plan is to announce a strategic partnership with a nationally recognized yoga studio by Q4 2021.

h.i.i.t classes

high intensity interval training CLASS

For employers wanting to facilitate improved fitness and strength for their employee-partners, we’ve created 30- and 40-minute onsite HIIT classes. These classes include customized challenges for varying levels of fitness and health, and represent a dynamic, fun and energizing break for your employee-partners. We also offer interactive online exercise coaching on a personalized basis to address the unique needs of your valued employee-partners (available upon request.)

max-mobility classes


By using advanced vibration foam rollers, the Vyper made by Hyperice™, our coaches can guide up to 40 employees at a time (dependent upon the space provided) through a complete 12-minute foam rolling session which has an energizing impact for your employee/partners. Vibration foam rolling provides benefits similar to those of percussive massage therapy.

3D posturescreen™


“Better than 90% of the energy output of the brain is used in relating to the physical body in its gravitational field. The more mechanically distorted a person is, the less energy available for thinking, metabolism and healing.”

Dr. Roger Sperry,
1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology & Medicine

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Using PostureCo.’s™ patented 3D posture assessment App, we analyze an individual’s posture in less than 5 minutes. Once postural problems are visualized, we create an exercise program that can restore normal posture over time.

3d body composition assessments

Utilizing PostureCo.’s 3D body composition tool, we assess an individual’s body-fat level in about 8 minutes. The result falls within 5% accuracy of a DEXA scan. Convenient onsite testing saves your employee-partners the 1-2 hours it would take to leave work for a similar assessment.

onsite fitness center design and construction


Partnering with American Barbell™, the industry leader in gym design and construction, Attivo can design a floor plan to maximize your available space using the latest and most advanced equipment to help your business achieve the best results for your wellness programs and employees.

biometric screenings

Attivo employs licensed registered nurses to perform biometric screenings for companies who seek to provide their workforce with more in-depth health tests. Armed with this data, your employee-partners can pinpoint biomarkers in their quest for maximum health and save time and worry by checking in with our world-class professionals. Our Attivo team can coordinate efficiently to draw up to 480 blood samples in four hours, and we maintain a strict, HIPPA-compliant chain of command so your employee-partner can trust results to be kept confidential. We work with top labs such as WellnessFX, EveryWell, SpectraCell and Next Health.

meditation & mindfulness

Attivo facilitates certified meditation, life coaching, and other ongoing onsite workshops. Teachers and coaches focus on positive mindfulness, working with people to achieve balance and serenity from the inside out. These programs are suitable for companies who seek to provide deeper personal growth programs for their employee-partners.